After week 1 Sports Info Traders is 5-1 in the Circa Survivor contest where out of the 4,080 entries 675 teams got completely eliminated including 8 teams that didn’t submit any picks at all. 3,397 teams selected winners to survive and move onto the next round while almost 1/6th of the competition was eliminated including 16.7% of the field.
In this years contest you must select at least 1 game on Thanksgiving day between the 6 teams and you must select one team for Christmas. If you don’t select a team than you automatially are eliminated. The software that the Circa Sports Betting contests run on are the same software that the WestGate also runs on which Jon Price went 4-1 in week 1 of the contest.
Below is an image via Twitter of the results with the winners and losers marked accordingly:
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